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Teacher Davorka Vajs-Kristovic, from Center for education "Slava Raškaj" Zagreb.
Students from Center for education "Slava Raškaj" Zagreb, together with their counterparts from Celje participated in the project activities.
Students participated in Zero Waste LTT project in Granada, tested the questionnaire, gained new skills and professional knowledge, but also visited cultural sites of Granada, the capital city of the province of Granada, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain.
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Sunset Beach Dubrovnik on 28 September 2021
The restaurant uses zero waste strategies to reduce amount of food waste, also energy and water consumption. In the future they plan to invest in establishing renwable energy sources because the surrondings are convenient for solar power, for example.
Restoran se koristi zero waste strategijama za smanjenje otpada hrane, kao i potrošnje energije i vode. U budućnosti planira se uložiti u uspostavljanje obnovljivih energetskih izvora zbog prikladne okolice koja bi omogućila primjerice solarnu energiju.
Barba on 29 September 2021
Fast fish food restaurant pays close attention to energy and waste consumption, which can be seen in the use of recyclable and compostable packaging, for example.
Restoran brze hrane s plodovima mora pridaje veliku pažnju smanjenju potrošnje energije i otpada, što se može vidjeti, na primjer, u uporabi ambalaže koja se može reciklirati i kompostirati.
Bistro49 on 30 September 2021
By offering seasonal, local and vegeterian dishes in the menu, some local ingredients, reducing the menu to an optimal size, energy and water saving, using mostly eco packaging, this restaurant also follows zero waste policy with intention to progress even more.
Ponudom sezonskih, lokalnih i vegetarijanskih jela u meniju, nekih od lokalnih sastojaka, smanjenjem porcija na optimalnu veličinu, štednjom energije i vode, korištenjem uglavnom ekoambalaže, ovaj restoran vodi se zero waste politikom sa željom za još većim napretkom u tom pogledu.
Yacht Club Orsan on 1 October 2021
Although pandemic circumstances slowed a bit zero waste direction in which this restaurant goes, it has all the necessary basics to continue the process, as the consumption of water and energy, food waste management and awareness of using recyclable packaging.
Iako su pandemijske okolnosti malo usporile smjer zero waste strategija u kojem ide restoran, ima sve potrebne osnove za nastavak procesa, kao što su štednja vode i energije, upravljanje otpadom od hrane i svijest o uporabi ambalaže koja se može reciklirati.
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Presentation made by SŠGT students from Celje: a short overwiev of the visited restaurants during the LTT activity in Granada, with options to improve their ZW practise.
Didactic Training for Learning (LTT) in Granada!
The training and learning activity took place in Granada.
The students applied a new digital tool for assessing the level of Zero Waste activity in the HoReCa sector, created as a result of the project activities.
The companies involved were offered a digital questionnaire concerning the following topics:
- organization of the kitchen in HoReCa;
- plan a sustainable diet menu;
- plan a sustainable diet menu;
- waste reduction and recycling;
- packaging;
- power;
- reduction of chemical and other pollution in the HoReCa sector.