Slava Raškaj Education Center - Zerowastepower

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Slava Raškaj Education Center

The Centre for education "Slava Raškaj" Zagreb has already more than 135 years of experience in rehabilitation and education of students with hearing and speech disabilities and children with communication difficulties. The Center is in the system of the Ministry of Demography, Youth, Family and Social Policy, and our students come from all over Croatia.
The Centre has over 100 employees, cca. 70% are professionals. Our main activities are the rehabilitation and education of children and young people with communication difficulties.
Currently, we have about 530 clients age 0-30, and 95% of the services we provide are non-institutional.

  1. Program for preschool and elementary education - street of Vladimira Nazora 47 during this program children are using all sorts of rehabilitation. (speech and language therapy, special education and rehabilitation, kinesitherapy and sports therapy, music/art/work therapy, psychosocial support,   sensory integration/multi-sensory stimulation, sign language)
  2. Program for secondary education - we educate students in five different professions (chef, pastry chef, tailor, tinsmith, locksmith). 70 % of high school students are trained in the catering profession in occupations chef and pastry chef. We have 125 students in VET education.
  3. The day Center (students from 21-30) -  In this program at the moment we have 15 clients who regarding their difficulties are learning basic life competencies (16 clients) and socializing with the local community. In all departments, there is a professional team of workers and it includes a social worker, psychologist, pedagogue, speech therapist, rehabilitators and VET teachers.

In all programs, we have an average of 20 volunteers every year. Besides them, there are also personal assistants for 20 clients.
We are part of EU projects for the past 10 years with aim to help students to be happy and to develop into responsible and creative individuals integrated into the community.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ZERO WASTE POWER IN HORECA | 2019-1-HR01-KA202-060809
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